How to stay calm during COVID-19 Pandemic

Practice Management

How to stay calm during COVID-19 Pandemic

Date Posted: Friday, April 115, 2020


It can be more hazardous and perilous for the world to get back to it's early routine. The devastating problems and crisis that the world is heading through was never predicted. COVID-19 is spread all over the world, more we hear about it on television, social media and newspaper really scares the hell out of most of us. The biggest killer during this pandemic is "fear". It creates anxiety and panic which could make people think and do things those are not appropriate under normal circumstances. The motive of lock-down is to prevent the spread of infection from one person to the other. Maintaining proper social distancing and not stepping out of the house except for the necessary needs is important to avoid spreading of the disease.

How to handle Social Isolation? 
  • Staying at home without stepping out would be boring and stressful for many of us. But there are ways where you can also stay positive and be cheerful following the protocols.
  • Have a regular schedule. Keep yourself occupied with some work. Sometimes household works will also do.
  • Do not get trapped into negative emotions, better spend time listening to music, reading, gardening, painting, watching movies etc. Get back to your childhood memories.
  • Eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Physical fitness is also important. Stay active and exercise regularly, indoors.
  • Help the homeless or your neighborhood if they need your advise, food or essentials. Be willing to share.
  • As the disease is new and unknown, elderly at home will be confused and need help. Educate them about the pandemic and support them in their needs.
  • Keep your children busy and allow them to do household chores, so that they aren't bored and may lose the tendency to go out and play.

Learn facts; Reject rumors:
  • Gaining knowledge on certain issues is very important and creates less panic. But access and belief towards reliable and confident sources on television and internet are the main things to be focused.
  • Do not share or follow the news or post which may impact the mental health. Unverified information would create more panic and cause other issues.
  • Do not keep discussing about the sick all the time, instead talk about their recovery. So that it brings positive vibes in and around.
  • Stick to the advised physical hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, maintain social distance and remember it is not only about your well-being but also others.
  • Know the disease symptoms accurately. Don't panic when you have common cold. The symptoms of COVID-19 are clearly explained. So, follow the manners of sneezing, coughing and avoid spitting in the public places.
  • Do not be careless if you find symptoms of corona. Even the mild symptoms would be advised to have a physical checkup and follow social distancing if infected.
  • Mild symptoms need not be admitted in the hospital unless and until you suffocate while breathing, and most of them recover.

Emotional Distress:
  • When you are in anxiety, start breathing slowly and even better to meditate. Calm down your thoughts those drive you anxious.
  • Think of peaceful things, try to watch movies that would relax your mind and calms down emotions.
  • When you are afraid, try to talk to your friends or well wishers on phone. Tell them about your fear. Control your mind from worrying about unnecessary things.
  • When you are lonely, never be sad. Stay connected with others on phone or social media. Communication can help you get away from emotional thoughts. Discuss about happy things and events.
  • If you are continuously distressed or haunted by emotions those are really upsetting, then probably you can discuss about it with someone. In the worst case scenario, call mental health professional or your doctor and take advise.

NOT Advisable:
  • Avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol. These may trigger your emotions and worsen physical and mental health.
  • Do not be judgemental and unfair towards COVID-19 patients. Remember that they deserve care and concern. Tell them precautions to follow and ways to get medical assistance.
  • If you are infected, don't panic. Most of them get better. Practice self isolation and take medications as advised by the healthcare professionals.

Post Recovery:
  • Even if you are happy about your recovery, you may be stressed after you get back to your normal family and community.
  • People might not welcome you with pleasure. They may keep you at distance if they don't know about illness. You might be isolated from the group and more stressed.
  • Guilty experience of not being helpful and caring for people may take you to depression and frustration.
  • Deal with these feelings by sharing your positive thoughts possible to recover from the disease.

Recognize Mental Health Problems:
Mental health problems can be similar. You can recognize symptoms by being sensitive to such problems with your dear ones.
It may include:
  • Sleeplessness
  • Changes in sleeping position
  • Difficult to concentrate
  • Health problems
  • Extreme consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
  • Such symptoms are dangerous. Contact medical helpline immediately or consult your doctor. Be supportive to your dear ones.

People with Mental illness:
  • Isolation means staying away from our daily socializing habits. Keeping us far from physical contact. This is a difficult task for some who are already dealing or have dealt with some mental illness.
  • People who are suffering from mental illness will have some sort of fear and different emotions in their mind. That ain't good.
  • It's strenuous for them to be isolated as it drives them to a lonely negative world.
  • They may not get or have an idea to overcome. So, help them by having a conversation and providing support with medications and keeping them engaged and positive.
  • Good mental status will help us win the battle easily.

Stay Connected with People:
  • Self isolation can be very stressful as the increasing members join the group. It's time to make sure we have the right phone numbers.
  • Have good communication or conversation with people by connecting on phone or online.
  • Break the routine and make a difference with works you do everyday.
  • Add a to-do-list so that you won't end up missing things and it would also feel quite productive.

Financial stress and Anxiety:
Accept the current state of affairs:
  • The whole world is facing the pandemic and all the business in the market is shut down. Huge loss for the world's economy and people's economy as well.
  • We have to accept that the lives are going to be little different after this outbreak and can focus on tasks that can be controlled.
  • If you are worried more about money, take a stock of the resources you have.
  • Add more attention on your strength and abilities to overcome the economic crisis.
  • If you have faced any financial loss earlier, remember how you came out of it and what got you through them.

Know your Emotional triggers:
  • May be you are a stress shoppers or perhaps considering to sell some of your investments. Don't let your emotions take over.
  • Limit your expenditure and control overbuying supplies. This may reduce your chance of investing or buying unwanted at the moment.
  • Limit your social media exposure and stay up to date on what your banks, creditors local government does during this virus outbreak.
  • Hope the above article will help you to stay calm and positive during this crisis situation. This is written in public interest by QWay Health

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