How Healthcare AI can prepare for the Future Pandemic

Practice Management

How Healthcare AI can prepare for the Future Pandemic

Date Posted: Tuesday, June 182, 2020


In the future, artificial intelligence (AI), that can sense or predict a disease outbreak (pandemic) from stopping its early outspread, will dominate the healthcare industry. In the early decades, there was a time when people lacked medical services and technology in a disease outbreak. The deaths were innumerable, and diseases were unknown. Today's scenario is devastating as the world has witnessed a pandemic unlike any before, though we have highly equipped technology and medical services.

This isn't enough! The world requires more! Something that can change the whole situation upside down. We need to shift to the advanced stage of healthcare where AI comes to the rescue. Artificial intelligence is about to conquer human intelligence with its utmost systemized configurations that can boost the healthcare industry to serve more people, and better, at the same time.

How does AI stall a disease outspread?

  1. Detects an outbreak
  2. Intelligence and knowledge
  3. Reinforces medical care

1. Detecting an Outbreak:

  • AI can help dig through the reports in and around the world by alerting the experts regarding the abnormalities or the oddity before it reaches the grounds.
  • The present COVID-19 pandemic is an example where researchers used artificial intelligence data to identify the spreading of the disease.
  • Monitoring deaths can easily detect the stages of a potential outbreak.
  • Successful AI implementation can represent an advanced growth to eradicate the most infectious or contagious diseases.
  • Big data analytics can enable the analysis of widespread data sets generated through internet and mobile devices at present.

2. Intelligence and Knowledge:

  • AI has a huge role to play in the current scenario.
  • High resolution computer-generated technology allows scientists to learn and elucidate large disease outbreaks.
  • Proper understanding of such phenomena can empower the healthcare community to respond more rapidly.
  • Spreading knowledge about the disease widely into the crowd can actually settle or slow down the infection.
  • AI tools can make a huge impact by creating awareness among people to stall spreading of a disease.

3. Reinforce Medical Care:

  • Healthcare professionals have been working relentlessly across the globe to overcome this disaster.
  • AI makes their work lighter while supporting good quality of care.
  • It also helps to predict respiratory problems or any other complications in advance to treat them successfully.

AI, an Aid to the Human Brain:

  • Artificial Intelligence has the potential to tackle the most gruesome and epidemic issues in the world, like COVID-19.
  • It's not just about the technology but also an exceptional human intelligence to develop and implement the program successfully and creatively.
  • The human brain is the fastest of all. It has an advantage over AI. People are capable of understanding and learning technology quickly, as well as implementing it.
  • AI is a tool that works as additional support and adds value of its use in critical situations.
  • AI power can be determined and designed by human brains for a potential outbreak like the current scenario.
  • Human knowledge uses its own creativity to undertake any obstacle that the world encounters.
  • Artificial intelligence systems also cooperate with healthcare industry operations.
  • Leveraging AI tools during a chronic disease outbreak will be very effective and will have an impact on several different roles.

AI's Role in RCM During COVID-19:

  • To manage COVID-19 patients’ data and other details from mobile apps, demographics, and web tools, AI helps healthcare companies during the pandemic.
  • From operational reporting to monitoring labor capacity and critical personal protective equipment levels, AI holds responsibility to support in difficult situations.
  • AI's top priority during the COVID-19 pandemic is to support the clinical and infrastructure technology elements as healthcare companies solely focus on fighting the chronic disease.
  • EHRs could become the main source for COVID-19 patient data, which ensures the integrity, consistency, and security of the data.
  • According to the experts, the next generation of RCM systems and functions are expected to be extraordinary during an outbreak. 
  • Healthcare organizations require sophisticated technology to perform and see profits for the additional services provided.
  • Analytics would also be one of the pinpoint opportunities for added profits and value-based contracts, recognizing offers that are the best in the market.

AI Trends in Healthcare Post-COVID-19:

  • It's not news that deep learning and machine learning count for the dynamics of human behavior and individual thinking.
  • Artificial intelligence is capable of analyzing and predicting a disaster or a disease outbreak in advance.
  • Another case of using deep learning or machine learning technology is for tracing applications by analyzing data of citizens via mobile phone locations.
  • Artificial intelligence is considered to be effective for epidemic forecasting and monitoring of immunity development.
  • AI triage has already been implemented for telemedicine practices by including virtual health assistance.
  • Augmented medical diagnosis and triage are some of those important AI capabilities.
  • Compared to other complex disease cases, artificial intelligence improved accuracy and predicted analytics when coupled with human judgment.

Artificial Intelligence Supports Telemedicine for COVID-19 Patients:

  • Healthcare providers and professionals are able to manage and treat patients infected with COVID-19 by using the Predictive Analytics platform CLEW-ICU, a Tele-ICU solution.
  • This platform uses an AI Predictive Analytics method to enlarge or expand the ICU's capacity and resources.
  • The algorithms identify respiratory levels in advance and enable early predictions and interventions that effect a clinical change of COVID-19 patients, which also help to recognize the severity of the disease from a remote area.
  • Telemedicine technologies are used to provide patient monitoring, centralized commands, and control facilities.
  • As telemedicine and telehealth workers address multiple queries of COVID-19 patients, to make their job easier, applications are implemented to assist the workers in recognizing and tracking suspected cases in allocated areas.

Applications of AI to Support Healthcare:

  • When the entire world is fighting against the monster, COVID-19, apps that are powered by artificial intelligence are helping people screen individually without any assistance.
  • This reduces pressure on healthcare professionals by warning those who are at high risk of developing the infection, across the world.
  • Special risk checker apps are developed to encounter fear and confusion among patients when WHO declares a pandemic.
  • Co-founder of Medicus Health has launched apps which can be used to reach patients early, to educate and deliver accurate information on COVID-19.
  • Medical Chat Bots are striving hard to update their algorithm and help screen people, also advising if they should be screened for the infection.
  • A risk assessment tool developed by Quro detects approximately 65,000 hits on risk assessment tools and guides those deemed at risk to nearest testing facility.
  • Artificial intelligence not only allows the healthcare facilities to deliver advanced treatment but also supports them with highly equipped technology to provide better patient care during phenomenal pandemic outbreaks.

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