Why Medical Practices Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

Practice Management

Why Medical Practices Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

Date Posted: Sunday, September 254, 2022


People worldwide are increasingly using a range of devices to access the internet. Nowadays, it's not safe to assume that all your website visitors use a desktop or laptop computer-they’re more likely to use tablets or smartphones. Because of this, mobile traffic is rising, and approximately 80% of all internet users seek healthcare information via mobile devices.

Know the five key reasons why medical practices need a mobile-friendly website.

What is a Mobile-Friendly Website?

Mobile-friendly websites work the same way on all digital devices. In other words, nothing will change or become unusable on a computer or mobile device after this upgrade. 

Likewise, a mobile-friendly website is optimized for mobile devices by shrinking your regular website to fit the screen size. Despite having to zoom, the site displays and works well in the end. The website is the same and has no issue with usability regardless of the device used to view it.

Mobile-friendly websites have the following key features:

  • Content that does not change over time
  • Ease of navigation for the user
  • A better search experience
  • Enhancement of brand identity
  • More readable text
  • Functions without the need for a mobile operating system
  • Element and button designs that are touch-friendly
  • Downloads and loads at a faster speed
  • Images appear smaller but comprehensible
Google began favoring mobile-optimized sites (also known as "Mobilegeddon") in mobile search results. You can get more online exposure if even a small percentage of your target audience uses a mobile device. There's no specificity when or where a visitor will visit your site, so make sure it is functional on whatever device they use and wherever they may be. Your practice website's ability to attract patients may depend on having a mobile-friendly website.

Here are five key reasons why medical practices need a mobile-friendly website:

1. The Use of Smartphones Is on the Rise
In the past, people used to surf the web on their computers or laptops because mobile phones were too small. Over time, mobile browsing has become more popular and convenient. That's why so many people visit their favorite online brands using smartphones. Your site should have a clean feel, especially for mobile users, with no complex functionality.

2. Sales Are Quick and Easy 
A mobile-friendly site can increase your sales by a good deal. Many people today browse the web from their phones during their free time, making a mobile purchase more likely to result in a quick sale. For instance, consumers will be more likely to buy from a business that makes the entire ordering process easy and efficient for mobile users. When your website is slow and hard to navigate from a mobile device, people may stop paying attention to your business. Your website will be much more likely to generate sales if you optimize it for smartphones.

3. Increase Online Exposure with Mobile Marketing
It is possible to increase your Google visibility by utilizing mobile marketing methods. For example, businesses can now send push notifications to customers via handy apps. You can also send SMS marketing promotions to customers. Likewise, social media and email campaigns are also typically optimized for mobile devices.

However, these marketing efforts will be in vain if your website is not mobile-friendly. An iPhone or Android user who receives an SMS that alerts them to a flash sale might become frustrated if your site isn't easy to navigate.

4. Reach Out to More People
The affordability of smartphones contributes to the growth of the mobile market. It is much cheaper to purchase a smartphone than a computer or laptop. Middle-class and lower-middle-class individuals have easier access to mobiles than laptop computers. 

Mobile-friendly websites help target a set of audiences. Thus, this leads to a better user experience, more traffic, and more sales.

5. Ranking Higher on a Search Engine
In digital marketing, SEO is a crucial component. An effective business website is useless if it does not rank well in search engine results. Search engine ranking is what drives traffic to the website. If a website ranks higher, the more traffic it gets. For every website to rank on search engines, SEO optimization is required. 

Mobile-friendly websites get rewarded by search engines, notably Google's algorithm. It ultimately boosts the site's traffic and helps it rank higher in searches. The ranking of every business website is essential for bringing organic traffic to the site. Maintaining the ranking helps to avoid losing traffic to competitors.

As more consumers use smartphones to make online purchases, mobile-friendly websites have become necessary. In addition to being a great marketing tool, it can also help you overcome your competition. Although it's hard to build a mobile-friendly website yourself, there are a lot of professional web design services available. Having a mobile-friendly website benefits your brand's reputation and image.

Katleen Quiros works with Drcatalyst.com based in San Juan, PR. See www.drcatalyst.com  

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